Efficiency Experts
Right Decision, Right Solution

BI Consulting

BI Consulting, 20 years ago started in USA,  is a leading Industrial Engineering based consulting firm and now serving in Istanbul, Turkey too. (See partial list of companies worked with).We provide result-oriented solutions for our clients using our expertise and experience in Industrial Engineering field to increase productivity and efficiency, and improve our clients return on capacity and technology investments (ROI).

If you answer "Yes" for one of the questions below, you might need expert help to get the right solutions

  • Cost of product/service is too high?
  • Customer satisfaction is not at desired level (100%)?
  • Lead time/service time is too high, wait times are undesirable?
  • Waste in the production or business processes are not visiable?
  • We can't meet the customer demand?
We help our clients to answer such questions in a way to be world-class organization using proven methodologies such as Lean 6 Sigma, TQM and quantitative tools such as simulation modeling, optimization, statistical analysis.